



Bower: bower install flickity --save 
npm: npm install flickity --save

要使用该幻灯片插件首先要在页面中引入 flickity.pkgd.js 和 flickity.css 文件。

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/flickity.css" media="screen">
<script src="/path/to/flickity.pkgd.min.js"></script>
<div class="gallery">
  <div class="cell">...</div>
  <div class="cell">...</div>
  <div class="cell">...</div>
  // options
  cellAlign: 'left',
  contain: true
你也可以使用纯js来调用该插件:new Flickity( elem )。Flickity()构造函数接收两个参数:幻灯片元素和参数选项。
var elem = document.querySelector('#main-gallery');
var flicky = new Flickity( elem, {
  // options
  cellAlign: 'left',
  contain: true
// element argument can be a selector string
//   for an individual element
var flicky = new Flickity( '#main-gallery', {
  // options
你还可以在HTML中初始化Flickity插件,不用写任何的js代码。你只需要在幻灯片元素上添加class js-flickity,可以通过data-flickity-options属性来设置参数。
<div id="main-gallery" class="js-flickity" data-flickity-options='{ "cellAlign": "left", "contain": true }'>


var flky = new Flickity( '.gallery', {
  // options, defaults listed
  accessibility: true,
  // enable keyboard navigation, pressing left & right keys
  autoPlay: false,
  // advances to the next cell
  // if true, default is 3 seconds
  // or set time between advances in milliseconds
  // i.e. `autoPlay: 1000` will advance every 1 second
  cellAlign: 'center',
  // alignment of cells, 'center', 'left', or 'right'
  // or a decimal 0-1, 0 is beginning (left) of container, 1 is end (right)
  cellSelector: undefined,
  // specify selector for cell elements
  contain: false,
  // will contain cells to container
  // so no excess scroll at beginning or end
  // has no effect if wrapAround is enabled
  draggable: true,
  // enables dragging & flicking
  freeScroll: false,
  // enables content to be freely scrolled and flicked
  // without aligning cells
  friction: 0.2,
  // smaller number = easier to flick farther
  imagesLoaded: false,
  // if imagesLoaded is present, Flickity can re-position cells
  // once images are loaded
  initialIndex: 0,
  // zero-based index of the initial selected cell
  percentPosition: true,
  // sets positioning in percent values, rather than pixels
  // Enable if items have percent widths
  // Disable if items have pixel widths, like images
  prevNextButtons: true,
  // creates and enables buttons to click to previous & next cells
  pageDots: true,
  // create and enable page dots
  resizeBound: true,
  // listens to window resize events to adjust size & positions
  watchCSS: false,
  // watches the content of :after of the element
  // activates if #element:after { content: 'flickity' }
  // IE8 and Android 2.3 do not support watching :after
  // set watch: 'fallbackOn' to enable for these browsers
  wrapAround: false
  // at end of cells, wraps-around to first for infinite scrolling

cellAlign :幻灯片元素中的单元对齐方式。可选值为:'center', 'left', 'right'。默认值为'center'。


cellAlign: 'left'
wrapAround :该参数可用于制作无限循环的幻灯片。设置为true时为无限循环。默认值为false。示例:
wrapAround: true
contain :在幻灯片的开始或结束处包含一个单元格,防止幻灯片溢出。可选值为true和false。默认值为false。示例:
contain: true
freeScroll :允许自由滚动,最后一个单元格没有对齐格子。可选值为true和false。默认值为false。示例:
freeScroll: true
freeScroll: true,
              contain: true,
              // disable previous & next buttons and dots
              prevNextButtons: false,
              pageDots: false
freeScroll: true,
              wrapAround: true
autoPlay :设置自动播放。如果autoPlay: true则每3秒切换一次。幻灯片切换的速度单位是毫秒,例如设置为autoPlay: 1500则1.5秒切换一次。



autoPlay: true
watchCSS :你可以通过CSS来使用或禁用Flickity。watchCSS选项关注幻灯片元素的:after伪元素的内容。如果:after伪元素的content是flickity则幻灯片可用。

IE8和Android 2.3不支持:after。当设置watchCSS: true时Flickity不可用。可以在这些浏览器上设置watchCSS为'fallbackOn'来使用Flickity。

watchCSS: true
/* enable Flickity by default */
              .gallery:after {
                content: 'flickity';
                display: none; /* hide :after */

              @media screen and ( min-width: 768px ) {
                /* disable Flickity for large devices */
                .gallery:after {
                  content: '';


<div class="gallery js-flickity"
  data-flickity-options='{ "imagesLoaded": true, "percentPosition": false }'>
  <img src="1.jpg" alt="orange tree" />
  <img src="2.jpg" alt="submerged" />
  <img src="3.jpg" alt="look-out" />
imagesLoaded :没有价值的图片是没有尺寸的,它们会跑到单元格之外。为了修补这个问题,可以使用imagesLoaded来将图片重新定位。可选值:true和false,默认值为false。
imagesLoaded: true
该选项需要在页面中引入 imagesLoaded
<script src="/path/to/imagesloaded.pkgd.js"></script>
accessibility: true,
// enable keyboard navigation, pressing left & right keys
cellSelector: undefined,
// specify selector for cell elements
draggable: true,
// enables dragging & flicking
initialIndex: 0,
// zero-based index of the initial selected cell
percentPosition: true,
// sets positioning in percent values, rather than pixels
// Enable if items have percent widths
// Disable if items have pixel widths, like images
pageDots: true,
// enables page dots
prevNextButtons: true,
// creates and enables buttons to click to previous & next cells
resizeBound: true,
// listens to window resize events to adjust size & positions
rightToLeft: false
// enables right-to-left ordering for right-to-left languages
关键词: jquery插件